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  1. 4H Scholarship Opportunities

    ONLINE Application  (Due April 1, 2024) The applicant must be a high school junior or senior, or ... application form must be answered to be considered for an award. High school and/or college transcript must be ...


    selection and scholarship availability by August 22, 2019. The cost to participate in Foodpreneur School is ... poised to grow their businesses. Foodpreneurs will engage with experts in branding, sales, marketing, and ... more to learn strategies to meet their growth goals. Participation is limited to 30 foodpreneurs ...

  3. Foodpreneur School

    scholarship availability by August 22, 2019. The cost to participate in Foodpreneur School is $125 per person ... are also available. Questions about Foodpreneur School? Reach out to the CFAES Center for Cooperatives ... poised to grow their businesses. Foodpreneurs will engage with experts in branding, sales, marketing, and ...

  4. Foodpreneur School Coaching Session I

    Foodpreneur School Coaching Virtual Sessions Marketing Local Meat- Sept. 15th   This LIVE ... Foodpreneur Business Coaching virtual session is for farmers and ranchers seeking to increase local and ...

  5. The Ohio State University and Innergex Renewable Energy partner to bring Immersive Farming Experience to Ohioans

    locations throughout Ohio. This makes the theater dome and immersive experience more accessible for schools ...

  6. Ohio 4-H Pathways to the Future focuses on work ethic certification

    programs in the nation to offer high school students a work ethic certification. Designed by Mike Rowe, ...

  7. This one’s for the women of Farm Science Review

    was actually a super big deal because I got to play hooky from school for the day and hang out with my ...

  8. Welcome Back BBQ at the Kottman Hall Gazebo

    school BBQ, Kottman Hall Gazebo, mid-west Columbus Campus ...

  9. 4-H Youth Development

    effort has been given to expand the 4-H in-school and after-school programming in Hardin County. Since ... Wizard after-school sites reach 46 youth in Hardin County using robotics, circuits,  film making, art, ...

  10. Older Youth 4-H Opportunities

    Junior Fair Board Application-  As a high school student, you are eligible to represent Hardin ...
