
Search results

  1. What Does it Take to Make Ends Meet? Learn Money Management Skills at Farm Science Review

    management program is a six-lesson curriculum to help middle and high school students become aware of the ... schools." As an incentive to participate in the Real Money, Real World interactive exhibit, all players can ...

  2. Meeting New Fruit, Veggie Safety Standards: OSU Workshops Set

    Parkway, Ottawa.   The April 4 program goes from 6-9 p.m. at Northmont High School, 4916 National Rd., ...

  3. Chow Line: Coffee: Fill to the brim for good health (for 6/5/11)

    recent, which you mention, was conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health. Researchers examined data ...

  4. Two 4-H Events Offer Science Fun

    Oct. 21, a day when many central Ohio students are out of school for a teacher training day. "Ohio ...

  5. Conference Offers Training for Crop Advisers and Farmers

    University and Soybean School. The conference also will feature a presentation from Jill Clapperton, ...

  6. Chow Line: A healthy breakfast really is a good idea (2/17/12)

    and concentrate at school, and tend to do better in math and reading and on standardized tests. The ...

  7. Chow Line: Make healthful eating fun for kids (8/31/12)

    published recently in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine examined elementary school ...

  8. Ohio 4-H Alum Makes His Mark Internationally

    school and college "to the back of my brain for the moment." O'Brock, who recalls that his ... in hands-on educational activities on 200-plus topics through 4-H clubs, camps and school ...

  9. Estimate: A New Amish Community is Founded Every 3.5 Weeks in U.S.

    America,” said Joseph Donnermeyer, professor of rural sociology in Ohio State’s School of Environment and ... the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Both the center and the School of Environment ...

  10. Scarlet or Not, Ohio State Works to Make Sure Your Poinsettias Are the Best

    under commercial production conditions until they are ready to decorate someone's house or school ... with a sale to the public, which helps fund the school's greenhouse program. "The ...
