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  1. If you listen carefully…It Sounds Like Love

    State’s School of Environment and Natural Resources, provides welcome remarks and logistical overview. ... funding and municipal funds. Speakers Cadine Navarro, MFA, MLA Harvard Graduate School of Design While ... French-American and based in Paris, France. Cadine is currently enrolled in the Harvard Graduate School of Design ...

  2. Achieving Net-Zero: Examining near and long-term greenhouse gas commitments

    attendees.    8:10 a.m. Eric Toman, PhD (interim director, Ohio State’s School of Environment and Natural ... Regional Planning section of the Knowlton School of Architecture. Dr. Bielicki holds a Ph.D. (Harvard ... University).  Prior to returning to graduate school, Dr. Bielicki was a mechanical engineer at Fermi National ...

  3. 4-H in the classroom

    If you are interested in having a 4-H school program for your classroom, please contact our 4-H ...

  4. Environment Educator

    the visiting group, which primarily consists of local school groups from K to 8. All school ... the development and implementation of curriculum for school group field trips and week-long summer day ...

  5. And Water for All: A World Water Day documentary film screening and discussion on water access and affordability in Ohio

    Program Overview In collaboration with Ohio State’s School of Earth Sciences, the Ohio Water ... State researchers from the School of Environment and Natural Resources answered this call, traveling the ... State School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR), and Ramiro Berardo, PhD. associate professor ...

  6. Agriculture Educator

    the visiting group which primarily consist of local school groups from K to 8. All school ... interactive activities with our school group field trips and week-long summer day camps. At Greenacres, we are ...

  7. Restoring Streams and Wetlands – Whose Job Is It Anyway?

    For all program attendees 8:10 a.m. Jeff Sharp, PhD (director, School of Environment and Natural ...

  8. Time to Act on Climate Change: April 20, 2022

    director, School of Environment and Natural Resources. 7:10 p.m. Audience question and answer for in-person ...

  9. Virtual 4-H Programming Through January 31, 2022

    schools are having to adjust by either going virtual or closing altogether. Looking at the numbers of ...

  10. Sustainable Investing: Decarbonizing portfolios and financing green development

    Broadcast begins; Jeff Sharp, PhD (director, Ohio State’s School of Environment and Natural Resources) ... with the Sovereign Wealth Fund Initiative, a research project at The Fletcher School at Tufts ... IE Business School, and an affiliate with the Sovereign Investment Lab, a research project at ...
