
Search results

  1. Practice and Teach Your Children Good Financial Skills

    with us as she’s planning to attend nursing school.  She’s taking a portion of what she earns at her ... school right around the corner and school supplies, new clothes, shoes, lunch boxes, and activity fees to ... a back-to-school calculator here’s a link to try: ...

  2. OSU Extension Wayne County Fair Programming Schedule

    easy packed lunches and after-school snacks. She will address nutritional needs, food safety, and tips ...

  3. Fair Time Is Around The Corner

    about getting kids school clothes and shoes! Dust off the book bags, lunch boxes, and get ready for ... another school year routine! But don’t forget another something that happens right when the school routine ...

  4. Club Corner

    elementary schools because a comfortable mask means the world right now. They are washable and can be worn ...

  5. Onsite 4-H School and Afterschool Opportunities

    are thoughtful, educational opportunities that take place in schools, after school programs and other ... public speaking experience and knowledge of that topic area. School Enrichment Activities ChickQuest:  ... conferences and tours are scheduled annually. This includes a school garden conference and other ...

  6. Awards for 4-H Members Presented During Recent Ceremony

    Terrific Tops; Acacia Smith, Clothing for Middle School; Lucy Acker, Sew for Others- Junior; Tessa ... Underwood, Ready, Set, Sew Active!; and Sadie Hinkle, Clothing for High School and College. Also earning ...

  7. Program Allows Students To Make Life Choices In The Real World

    Family and Consumer Sciences staff, allows middle and high school students to make life choices and get ... a taste of the real world.           Before school let out for the summer, we partnered with Dalton and ... Triway Middle Schools, giving their students the opportunity to experience first-hand how expenses for ...

  8. Check This Out If You Are One Who Routinely Multitasks

    that you are too.  It’s hard to believe that school will start soon for many families and the fair is ...

  9. Ohio 4-H Urban Immersion Project

    10th anniversary of the UIP Experience!     4-H teens, ages 15-18, and still in High School are ...     Who:  Teens ages 15-18 (by the date of the trip – still in High School)- Space is limited. Where:  ...

  10. Being Together As A Family Is Critical For Stable Upbringing

    school begins again. Maybe it’s not just things they want to do but important people in their lives they ...
