
Search results

  1. Dr. David M. Francis

    school. The convergence of the two ideas brought me to academia. I choose to stay in academia because as long ...

  2. Su Subode

    finishing my research at the same time. Why OSU? I choose to come to grad school here at OSU HCS because ...

  3. Ingrid Richards Adams

    School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Medical Dietetics, College of Medicine Research Interest ...

  4. Know The Rules When Employing Minors on Your Farm

    minors employed on farms. These include obtaining an age and schooling certificate (unless you employ ... When Can Minors Work? The answer depends upon the age of the employee and whether school is in ... session. When school is in session minors who are 14 or 15 cannot be employed before 7:00 am or after 7:00 ...

  5. Amy Nalley

    4-H Program Assistant Carteens & School Programming 567-217-2038 ...

  6. Dr. Tyler Carr

    the questions below:   What got you interested in this field? My father was the high school baseball ... after school, on weekends, or during the summer, I would go to the baseball field with him while he ... school years.   Exciting current research Stay tuned for more updates, but current research includes ...

  7. Dr. Fernanda Krupek

    since graduate school. By the way, I look forward to exploring bicycle trails in Ohio and the Great ...

  8. Basic Estate Planning: Introduction

    children are still in school, this is probably the best and cheapest product. Family businesses might wish ...

  9. College Savings Options

    K-12 schools. Control: Whoever purchases the 529 plan is the custodian and controls the funds until ... secondary schools. Control: Whoever purchases the 529 plan is the custodian and controls the funds until ... school). Must be used for the education of the account owner, their spouse, children, or grandchildren. ...

  10. Mazzy's Hawaiian Adventure- Part 2

    cheaply and not have it interfere with their schooling in any way. I am completing my internship and ...
