
Search results

  1. Exploring Animal Biosciences Careers

    graduate schools. Undergraduate 0.5 Autumn 2023 In Person Distance Learning Wooster Animal Sciences ...

  2. Course Registration and Availability

    semester. Note: one 3-semester-hour university course = 1 Carnegie Unit = 1 year-long course in high school ...

  3. Schooling and Training the Riding Horse

    ANMLTEC 2811T Applied techniques of schooling and training riding horses with emphasis on ...

  4. Request for information- Livestock Judging Team

    * I am an/a *- Select- High School Student College (transfer) Student Adult Student High school or ... college where I am currently enrolled * Expected date of high school graduation * I plan to enroll in *- ...

  5. OSU Wooster Campus Non-timber forest products outreach/extension position

    forest research and extension work through our team in the OSU School of Environment and Natural ...

  6. Learning Community-Transition/Campus Change

    campus next school year after one year at ATI might be interested in knowing more about living on campus ...

  7. Uttara Samarakoon, Ph.D.

    provide training in greenhouse management and to integrate CEA education into the school curriculum. ...

  8. Sarah Orlando named 2022 Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award Recipient

    County Environmental Day, Boat Wash Wastewater Regulations, Clean Vessel Act Grant, Laurel School ...

  9. Frequently Asked Questions

    depending on your schedule.  They are more challenging than high school and some even have lab components ... Students can look in advance before the school year starts by clicking on ‘Student Jobs’ on the  ATI ... as they become available. Do you have Wi-Fi through the school and housing? Yes, Wi-Fi is provided ...

  10. Great Apple Crunch

    celebration of local foods and healthy eating by crunching into a locally grown apple at your school ...
