
Search results

  1. National 4-H Conference helps Ohio teens grow as leaders

    organizations about careers they can pursue after high school. “I learned a lot about civic engagement, and the ...

  2. Congratulations, Jill Byers!

    dedication to OACAC; contributions to the profession of high school guidance and college admission; and ...

  3. Admission Requirements

    you will be admissible to Ohio State ATI if you have graduated from a chartered high school and passed ... satisfactorily passed the General Educational Development (GED) tests and received an Ohio High School ... Equivalency Diploma through the Department of Education is considered the equivalent of a high school ...

  4. Solar Eclipse

    school. These activities will help you understand the science behind solar eclipses. Scroll down for activities ...

  5. Contact Information     Ohio National Guard Staff Andrew Seward Lead Youth Coordinator: Child, Youth, and School ...

  6. Class of 1974 50th Reunion

    reacquainted.  Personally, I was much closer to my ATI classmates than I was my high school classmates, so ...

  7. Ohio 4-H adventures into totality

    middle of the day!” Jackson County With students being released early from school to view the eclipse, ...

  8. Faces of Ohio 4-H — Maria Smith

    I realized I could combine these passions into a future job,” said Smith. After graduating from high school ...

  9. Ohio teens find their spark at Ignite by 4-H

    Arts, Agriculture, and Mathematics) activities and experiences in local elementary schools through teen ...

  10. National 4-H Congress: “An unforgettable time of our lives!”

    capstone to the week. Some of us were sent to volunteer in elementary schools, some of us helped to clean ...
