
Search results

  1. First Grade: Setting Limits with Your Children

    (e.g., do not leave school with anyone other than the carpool), for getting along with others (e.g., no ... consequences are ones that "fit the crime." For example, a consequence for not getting up for school ... on time might be an earlier bedtime until getting up for school happens regularly. Be sure you ...

  2. Natural Gas Drilling: Questions Residents and Local Leaders Should Be Asking

    compensated with funding from the natural gas industry? Considerations for Schools, Community Agencies, and ... Organizations How will local schools respond to the potential population and enrollment increases with regard to ... both personnel and infrastructure? Does the school system have the capacity to address new ...

  3. Kindergarten: Discipline and Your Child

    builds healthy self-esteem. Parents and School Discipline The discipline a child learns at home is the ... foundation for behavior at school. Be familiar with your school's discipline policy. If your ...

  4. Code Literacy: Increasing K-12 Coding Education in Ohio

    that schools use technology has changed remarkably over the last several decades. Educators have ... CTEq has researched high school students' quality of enjoyment by subject, and found students ... high school and no K-12 computer science curriculum standards. Figure 2: High school students like ...

  5. Earth Day program celebrates Ohio’s native plants

    production.   The EPN is a service of the School of Environment and Natural Resources in the College of Food, ...

  6. Produce Safety and Flooded Fields

    Food Animal Health Research Program; Don Eckert, School of Environment and Natural Resources; Robert ...

  7. First Grade: Fun Summer Time Activities and Games

    Development, The Ohio State University. The school year will be ending soon and your child will have a lot of ... local library may also offer special summer programs for school-age children. References Brennan, Jan. ... summer games for children family activities school break activities summer boredom Family and Consumer ...

  8. Welcome to Chef Pamela Tramble-Johnson, EFNEP Program Assistant

    school districts and universities where she served as Director, Operations Manager, Consultant and ... Certificate (ACF) 1995-2017 Atlanta Arts Institute School Culinary Arts and Johnson & Wales University. ...

  9. Preschool: Get Off to a Good Start

    from school. Display papers proudly on your refrigerator or wall. Encourage your children to show you ... Performance at School. Accessed from Children, Youth, and Families Education and Research Network on February ...

  10. Economic Development Series: Hosting a Successful Prospect Visit

    Schools Representative Workforce Representative Relevant Company Representatives Site or Building ... project. Confirms the community's interest in the project. Schools Representative This is usually the ... superintendent of the local school district. Confirms the quality of the schools based on presentation of ...
