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I, Eco-Bot: 4-H holds STEM program
from "STEM Middle@Baldwin Road," the STEM academy housed in Reynoldsburg City Schools ... ' Baldwin Road Junior High School, took the Eco-Bot Challenge. Then they met with Ohio State engineering ...
Forest Industry Brings Green to Ohio's Economy
operations and products specialist in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, is researching and ...
Cooperate Globally, Act Locally- Collaborative Stories of CFAES faculty and Borlaug Fellows
(PhilRice), is working with Dr. Rattan Lal (School of Environment and Natural Resources) on a project entitled ...
Jill Pfister retires after 33 years of service
a major in agricultural education and was licensed to teach high school agriscience. She began her career ...
Fresh Start
that if you are considering applying to graduate or professional schools, or even to other colleges at ...
CFAES students net Coca-Cola sustainability grants
School of Environment and Natural Resources. "The winning teams are responsible for all aspects of ...
2013 CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum Highlights
researchers from CFAES and the School of Environment and Natural Resources shared their research in a poster ...
Healthy, wealthy, and wise: What worksite wellness means to people... and how Extension helps
school districts, and Ohio University's Chillicothe branch. "We've changed a lot of our ...
New network started for environmental professionals
lecturer in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, in announcing a new Ohio-based professional ...
What are the best ways to burn (or not) a forest?
and a forest ecologist in the School of Environment and Natural Resources. "Our goal is to make ...