
Search results

  1. Making Maple Syrup

    Ohio State School of Environment and Natural Resources work with the sugarbush on the Mansfield campus, ... Kathy Smith  is the forestry program director in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, housed ... a visiting assistant professor, School of Environment and Natural Resources. OSU Extension also has some ...

  2. Science on a Stick (Sets of 200)

    schools, and anywhere else audiences will respond to its fun and educational activities. Fans are ...

  3. BUGmobile: Unique Animals On the Move

    already been spotted at COSI science events, Farm Science Review, and various schools in central Ohio. ...

  4. 4-H Animal Projects: An Option for any 4-H Member

    Ohio 4-H members meet in traditional community-based clubs, during in-school or after-school programs, ... from a chick? Find out with  ChickQuest, a Science Alive 4-H School Enrichment program that uses ... suggest a community club, in-school or after-school program, and other activities that will best meet your ...

  5. Clovers CODE

    where you reside.  They will suggest a community club, in-school or after-school program, and other ...

  6. Ohio Military Kids

    challenges in terms of child care, schooling, and housing while the military parent is deployed; and that can ... Lead Youth Coordinator: Child, Youth and School Services and can be reached by email at  ...

  7. Nuisance Wildlife

      CONNECT WITH OUR EXPERTS! Marne Titchenell is the Extension Wildlife Program Specialist in the School of ...

  8. 4-H Projects go to Fair

    4-H professional in the county where you reside.  They will suggest a community club, in-school or ... after-school program, and other activities that will best meet your child’s needs and interest areas.  Find ...

  9. LOOK to Ohio

    Employers desire evidence of leadership skills and experiences in potential employees. High school ...

  10. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    other practices to help control your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutrition education ...
