
Search results

  1. Indulge Apple Cravings Using A Variety of Apple Recipes

    Delicious apples that came from my junior high school’s vending machine. For just a quarter, I had a tasty, ...

  2. What Are The Forage Sample Results Telling You?

    advance commodity marketing school during the month of February.  The program will feature the top ...

  3. From Fair Board to Camp Counselor, 4-H Offers Hands-On Experiences

    and activity for the third-grade classrooms of Wayne County elementary schools and educates the ...

  4. Healthy Choices Start At Home When Packing Lunches

    our children as they are off to school or for ourselves, let’s explore some tips to make it a little ... adding hot food to it.  Many worksites and maybe some schools have microwaves available to warm foods. If ...

  5. Parents' Food Choices Lay The Groundwork For Kids

    see what new foods you may add to your weekly menus. As school is just around the corner, think about ... foods that are quick and easy to prepare for breakfast (if they don’t eat it at school). Breakfast ... that choices can be made. Letting children choose whether to eat at school or bring their lunch may be ...

  6. Practice and Teach Your Children Good Financial Skills

    with us as she’s planning to attend nursing school.  She’s taking a portion of what she earns at her ... school right around the corner and school supplies, new clothes, shoes, lunch boxes, and activity fees to ... a back-to-school calculator here’s a link to try: ...

  7. OSU Extension Wayne County Fair Programming Schedule

    easy packed lunches and after-school snacks. She will address nutritional needs, food safety, and tips ...

  8. Fair Time Is Around The Corner

    about getting kids school clothes and shoes! Dust off the book bags, lunch boxes, and get ready for ... another school year routine! But don’t forget another something that happens right when the school routine ...

  9. Winter Pruning School

    The OSU Extension Miami County Master Gardener Volunteers invite you to attend a course on late Winter/early Spring tree and shrub pruning. The first two sessions will be in-class instruction. The following dates will be laboratories for hands-on training ...

  10. 4-H Youth Development

    effort has been given to expand the 4-H in-school and after-school programming in Hardin County. Since ... Wizard after-school sites reach 46 youth in Hardin County using robotics, circuits,  film making, art, ...
