
Search results

  1. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Jan. 14

    evidence." Sponsored by Department of Linguistics and School of Environment and Natural Resources. ... Information: NEW: Jan. 16: Central Ohio Agronomy School, 6:30-9 p.m., Mondays through ... Annual Conference, Granville High School and Middle School, 248 New Burg St., Granville. Sessions on ...

  2. Still to Receive American Horticultural Society's Highest Honor June 10

    also enjoys remembering his time in his two-room grade school in Plainview, Illinois, his rural but ... active high school, and his undergraduate and graduate education at the University of Illinois. Still ...

  3. More Lab Alumni

    Riobamba, Ecuador and studied n Honduras at Panamerican School of Agriculture Zamorano until 2005, in which ... OARDC for several summer since his sophomore year in high school.  He attended Eastern Mennonite ...

  4. UPDATE: Olympic-Sized Tale of Generosity Featuring Ohio State Retiree to be Told on NBC

    plane with just their carry-on baggage, and joined passengers from three other flights onto school buses ... Club Center-- others went to churches, schools, other service clubs, and a few-- I remember one woman ... their homes, they brought home-made food, we slept on cots or mats from the local school's gym, and ...

  5. Under Pressure... and That's Good; Food Science Pioneer Honored

    professor by the School of Food and Biological Engineering at Jiangsu University, China, in 2009 and has ...

  6. Family Fundamentals: Treat your college-age students like adults, not kids (for June 2011)

    true even if the kids don't leave after high school, remaining at home while they enter the ...

  7. Holy Toledo (Botanical Garden)! Family Bat Workshop Coming Soon

    school and found out what fascinating creatures they are.” She hopes to share her love for bats in the ...

  8. Back with a Bang: ‘Baiwoop’ Art Fest Is Saturday (7/30) in Secrest

    Waynedale High School, has his own ties to Secrest. He’s worked there-- as part of the grounds crew at the ...

  9. New Research to Examine Connections Between Land Use, Public Policy, Lake Erie Water Quality and Climate Change

    assistant professors in the School of Environment and Natural Resources; Stuart Ludsin, assistant professor ...

  10. Assistance, Screenings Offered for Farmers Battling Arthritis

    School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and project director. "The purpose of the project is to ...
