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  1. 2017 News Articles

    to Remember January 9, 2017 Fertilizer Applicator Certification Needed by 9/30/2017, Beef School Next ...

  2. Straight from the fish's mouth

    undergraduate and graduate students, advanced high school students, and educators. For more information, click  ...

  3. Ohio 4-H has strength in (volunteer) numbers

    life skills as they "learn by doing" in 4-H clubs, in-school and after-school activities, and ...

  4. Brewing, buying biogas: OARDC campus at Wooster now runs on 30 percent green energy

    John Ott, head of OARDC's  Facilities Services department. "Most other schools run their own ...

  5. CFAES staff win 4 of 12 Ohio State Distinguished Staff Awards

    assisting individual communities, schools and churches with development of community and school gardens. ...

  6. Thirty-one students compete in CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    undergraduate student researchers from CFAES, including from the School of Environment and Natural Resources, ...

  7. Quality Assurance- Beginner's Only Session!

    are also currently high school FFA members can receive their training through their FFA Instructors ...

  8. A better tool in the toolbox: New project will bolster Ohio's Phosphorus Risk Index

    Elizabeth Dayton, a soil scientist in the  School of Environment and Natural Resources,  garnered a $1 ...

  9. Swamp's reach growing: Improvements will ramp up programs, impact

    director of CFAES's  School of Environment and Natural Resources,  of which the park is a part. ...

  10. I, Eco-Bot: 4-H holds STEM program

    from "STEM Middle@Baldwin Road," the STEM academy housed in Reynoldsburg City Schools ... ' Baldwin Road Junior High School, took the Eco-Bot Challenge. Then they met with Ohio State engineering ...
