
Search results

  1. Webinars

    Baird, School of Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio State University   This webinar will examine ...

  2. Meet Yongyang Cai, Associate Professor of Global Economic Modeling

    interests in finance, energy economics, urban economics and resource economics. While in graduate school, he ...

  3. Assistant Professor- Agribusiness

    Economics; and in partnership with the School of Environmental and Natural Resources, a rapidly growing B.S. ...

  4. Dispatch from the Field: Tony Gallenstein on His Work with the iAGRI Program in Tanzania

    leadership team to develop a proposal for capacity-building activities for Sokoine University’s School of ...

  5. Dispatch from the Field: Tony Gallenstein on His Work with the iAGRI Program in Tanzania

    leadership team to develop a proposal for capacity-building activities for Sokoine University’s School of ...

  6. Ohio State Students Work with the City of Columbus to Implement Sustainability Initiative

    a joint undergraduate degree by AEDE and Ohio State’s School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR). ... going to school in a community where sustainability is such a focus allows me to be familiar with hot ...

  7. Liz Schababerle, Ecologial Engineer Working in Alaska

    internship, she worked with recorders made at the Scripts School of Oceanography to record whale ...

  8. Recruiting Engineers Day 2013

    workshops on applying to graduate school with tips on writing a great personal statement, career services ...

  9. Videos and Presentations

    by Jeremy Brooks, Assistant Professor, OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources This session ...

  10. Coffee with the Master Gardeners: Flower Show School- Make and Take Workshop

    Learn: •To make the “L-shaped Design” – perfect for a mantle, corner table, counter or windowsill. •To prep/stage a single flower for show judging •Answers to how to enter one fair flower shows. Participants should bring: •Garden clippers or sturdy scisso ...
