
Search results

  1. Vacations

    could be helpful too. School will soon be out and the children will have their vacation.  Why not use ...

  2. The Farm Balance Sheet

    Our 2018 Farm Financial Management School began on Monday evening, January 15 and this first ...

  3. Mindfulness- Are you ready for Christmas?

    are just move activities to choose from this time of year.  Community concerts, school programs and ...

  4. Strengthening Families

    to do all over again, would you pursue the same career path? What were you like in high school? What ...

  5. The Declutter Project

    everybody’s school photos. • Consider making a daily or biweekly uncluttering appointment. Set a specific date ...

  6. 4-H Cultivates Healthy Eating Fanatics

    pledge our Health to better living. On Saturday March 6 th, utilizing the Eastern Brown High School foods ... I can’t teach you to smile.”  Upon returning to the school, the group covered proper table settings and ... Foundation, Brown County 4-H Committee, and Eastern Brown High School. The 4-H program is part of the Ohio ...

  7. Raising Kids, Eating Right, Spending Smart, Living Well

    successful in school and in life.  The average child spends seven hours watching TV a day, but just 5 minutes ...

  8. Thanksgiving with the Family

    a different category (friends, school, home, playtime, family, etc). Try using all 5 senses in saying “thank ...

  9. Local Impacts and Successes

    School Teacher: "I loved and the youth loved the hands on materials!" Adult Participant: ...

  10. Tips for Picky Eaters

    a hurry. Talk about the day’s events and the plans for the evening or maybe what happened at school if ...
