
Search results

  1. Extension aquaculture highlights

    (all things STEM related) in Piketon, Ohio for over 1,500 high school students from southern Ohio. ...

  2. Ohio Blueberry, bramble, & Wine Grape Pruning School


  3. Bazinga! Exploring STEM at Camp

    Engineering, and Math. But, this camp won't feel the least bit like school. Participants will select two ...

  4. Change of Faces at the Ohio Cooperative Development Center

    associate in Ohio State’s School of Environment and Natural Resources and is earning a Master of Science in ...

  5. Ohio Aquaculture Extension Program Highlights

    first-hand about our research and Extension programs. Two local schools participated in tours and several ...

  6. Teaching and Learning

    target Ohio’s underrepresented, non-college-access populations to keep them in school through graduation; ... when our youth graduate from high school, they are better equipped to contribute to the economies of ...

  7. MarketMaker links producers and potential buyers

    grocery stores, restaurants, and schools. The link serves the mutual benefit of identifying users of local ...

  8. Food Hub Development

    significantly produce, process, and market more locally grown healthy, fresh food for their schools and ...

  9. ACEL Students Receive Academic Scholarships

    Education Society and with the intention to teach agricultural education in the high school. Junior or ...

  10. Training Professionals on Sustainable Advanced Energy Feedstock Production for Enhanced Ecosystems Services from the Ground Up

    officials, professors, high school teachers, and bank, credit union and farm co-op officials.   Speakers from ...
