
Search results

  1. Dr. Osler Ortez

    Pan-American Agricultural School Zamorano (2014) Corn production, emerging crops, cover crops, cropping ... the equivalent of US soybeans. I was interested to expand my education through graduate school in the ...

  2. Shop Lancaster Greenhouse & Nursery to support Fairfield County Master Gardener Volunteers

    (Located across from Lancaster High School).   ...

  3. Mazzy's Hawaiian Adventure- Part 2

    cheaply and not have it interfere with their schooling in any way. I am completing my internship and ...

  4. Graduate Funding and FAQs

    (614) 247-6876 (EST). Helpful Resources ♦ General Funding information, Graduate School > Funding and ...

  5. Grad Handbooks

    University > Graduate School Handbook ...

  6. Plant Pathology Seminars

    A High-School Marching Band, A Bee Hive, And A Virus-Infected Cell October 4- Dr. Lei Zhang,  Assistant ...

  7. Dr. Jonathan Fresnedo Ramirez

    as I was getting ready for school growing up (the programs they run that early in the morning tend to ... to school because I was so invested in the programs. The shows also frequently talked about specific ...

  8. Crops and Soils Club Hosts Spring SASES Meeting!

    have been growing in the greenhouse! Looking forward to this coming school year, the club is excited to ...

  9. Dr. Clay Sneller

    selection. I grew up in Cleveland Ohio received my BS from OSU. I had no plans for graduate school. But after ... and being a salesman, I decided that graduate school did not sound so bad after all. I went into plant ...

  10. Dr. Michelle Jones

    graduate school in Horticulture at Purdue University to work with Dr. Randy Woodson so that I could ... school science fair projects, and gardening. I also run the Floriculture Crop Improvement Program. Want ...
