
Search results

  1. Dr. Stephen Boyles retires following decades of impact on beef producers nationwide

    retirement traveling the country with his wife– his high school sweetheart– visiting national parks. He also ...

  2. Future Students

    Research   The Department of Animal Sciences is one of 11 departments or schools within the College of ...

  3. CentralStar Director of Integrated Services

    stockowners who are graduating high-school seniors or current college or tech-school students. Applicants must ... have A.I. training at your college/tech school, watch our social-media pages and  website for details ...

  4. Active Master Gardener Projects

        School Gardening The desired goal is first to educate and demonstrate to students and school personnel ... how a school garden is educational and beneficial on many levels. When a school is ready to begin ... If you have a school or daycare facility with an interest in school gardening, contact OSU Extension, ...

  5. Scholarships & Aid

    enrolled at Ohio State. To learn more, contact the “Child Care Access Means Parents in School” (CCAMPIS) ...

  6. Summer Undergraduate Research in Genetics and Genomics (SURGe) Program

    graduate school and gain practical oral and written presentation skills.   Financial support:  ...

  7. Aaron Fowler

    confidence and spark his interest in teaching.  He served as a Sunday school teacher for his church and ...

  8. Sheriden Schuerman joins the department as student office assistant on the Columbus campus

    Leadership Studies. Outside of school, she is currently involved in Sigma Alpha where she holds the treasurer ...

  9. Real Money, Real World

    Each year America's high schools graduate thousands of young adults who are unprepared to ... is intended to be a partnership between OSU Extension, schools, and the business community. OSU ... and what they learned by completing a self-assessment.  If you teach 6th grade through high school ...

  10. Clubs and Organizations

    and implementation of events to build community within the department, recruitment of high school ...
