
Search results

  1. Ian Sheldon

    trade dispute resolution.  Co-authored with Daniel Chow, Moritz School of Law, Ohio State University. ... Our Author(s): Ian Sheldon Co-authored with Daniel Chow, Moritz School of Law, Ohio State University, ... Publication type: Working paper Our Author(s): Ian Sheldon Co-authored with Daniel Chow, Moritz School of Law, ...

  2. Visit

    Visit the School of Environment and Natural REsources Choose from a variety of personalized visits and ...

  3. Wayne County 4-H Members Earn Scholarships For Their Efforts

    daughter of Chad and Angie Mullen of Wooster, is a Triway High School graduate and a member of the Wayne ... and a graduate of Norwayne High School. He was an eight-year member of Canaan Country Cousins, served ... Walenciak of Wooster, is a Wooster High School graduate. A 10-year 4-H’er, Walenciak has excelled with his ...

  4. Friendly Advice On How Children Can Build Forever Relationships

    different seasons.  When our children are young it may be playgroups or childcare.  During school years we ...

  5. Kindergarten: Helping Your Child Succeed in School

    happened at school today only to hear the quick response of "nothing" or "I don't ... child's classroom and school. Get to know your child's teacher! Visit regularly by short visits or ... school's Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and become actively involved. This group can help you to stay ...

  6. Ways To Protect Livestock From West Nile Virus

    Marketing Workshop, OSU Agronomy School, and our annual private pesticide applicators and fertilizer ...

  7. Wayne County 4-H Still & FCS Project Award Winners Announced

    Morgan Laibe, Clothing for Middle School; and Ellie Yoh, Medicine Science and Safety- Junior. State Fair ... Clothing for Middle School; Acacia Smith, Ready, Set, Sew Active and Shopping Savvy; Lucy Acker, Clothes ... for High School and College; Piper Sprowl, Sew Fun Junior; and Aubrey Liston, Sew Fun Senior. ...

  8. Home Schedules Can Make Life Easier

    I t’s been a few years since I had to plan for getting kids ready to go back to school, but ... nevertheless, the signs and conversations are all around us.  As we look at the long-term goal of school ... distractions. If we really focus on the above items, we can start the school year off right, no matter what the ...

  9. Bugs to Bonsai: Wayne County Fair Grange Rotunda Offers Demos

    plate. It’s a great way for parents to get healthy meal and snack ideas for back-to-school. Participants can ... School Robotics Team will talk about what’s involved in building a robot, how robots are used, and what ...

  10. Schedule a Visit

    EXPERIENCE OHIO STATE FOR A DAY (EOFD) VISIT For High School Juniors, Seniors and Transfer ...
