
Search results

  1. Extension aquaculture highlights

    (all things STEM related) in Piketon, Ohio for over 1,500 high school students from southern Ohio. ...

  2. Gender and Food Safety Research to Improve Quality of Baby Foods in Tanzania

    education (78%), which takes 7 years of formal education in Tanzania. Women who completed elementary school ...

  3. Ohio Blueberry, bramble, & Wine Grape Pruning School


  4. People (click for more)

    also accepted a temporary, part-time assignment in the Graduate School as a faculty fellow to be ...

  5. Ohio State Convenes iAGRI’s 2nd Climate Change Conference in Tanzania with International Partners

    iAGRI Project Coordinator; and Dr. Rattan Lal, Professor in the School of Environment and Natural ...

  6. Change of Faces at the Ohio Cooperative Development Center

    associate in Ohio State’s School of Environment and Natural Resources and is earning a Master of Science in ...

  7. With visit to India, CFAES looks to expand research and industry linkages with Indian partners

    in the past were also present, including Dr. Sandeep Kapur, Director at School of Business Studies, ...

  8. Ohio Aquaculture Extension Program Highlights

    first-hand about our research and Extension programs. Two local schools participated in tours and several ...

  9. MarketMaker links producers and potential buyers

    grocery stores, restaurants, and schools. The link serves the mutual benefit of identifying users of local ...

  10. CFAES hosts Ethiopian visitors as part of the One Health Initiative

    given a tour through the lab of Dr. Richard Dick, Professor of Soil Microbial Ecology in the School of ...
