
Search results

  1. Ohio Beef Cattle School

    The primary themes that will be discussed in the 2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School will include ...

  2. Ohio Beef Cattle School

    The primary themes that will be discussed in the 2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School will include ...

  3. Conservation Tillage Conference: New Topics for Changing Ag

    conference participants will be able to choose from Soybean School, Water Quality Research and BMPs, ...

  4. Mark Your Calendars for These Important Field Days

    depth decisions at planting? Disease and Insect Scouting School – Kelley Tilmon, Anne Dorrance, Pierce ...

  5. Quality Assurance

    This is scheduled during the day as some Ashland County Schools are on Spring Break.  2015 4-H ... school FFA members can receive their training through their FFA Instructors this spring. ...

  6. Quality Assurance

    This is scheduled during the day as some Ashland County schools are on Spring Break. 2015 4-H ... school FFA members can receive their training through their FFA Instructors this spring. ...

  7. Conservation Tillage Conference (CTC)

    titles typically are: Corn University Soybean School Cover Crops Nutrient Management Soil & Water ...

  8. Agronomy Programming-January, 2014

    School Series OSU Extension-Knox County, 160 Columbus Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050 This is a multi session ... agronomy school series being held on January 20 & 27, February 3, 10, 17 & 24 starting at 6:30 each ... night at Knox County Extension Office. A comprehensive soybean school will be held on February 3 & ...

  9. Take the Next Step: Conservation Tillage Conference

    choose from Soybean School, Quantifying Soil Health, Conducting On farm Research: Does it Really Work?, ...

  10. Kids Cooking School

