
Search results

  1. Interacting with your Advisor: Etiquette, Tips, and Tricks

    students, we heavily depend on our advisors to help guide us through graduate school; however, we also ...

  2. Ohio 4-H Teens Attend National Healthy Living Summit

    presentations to club and school audiences.  “I loved going to all the workshops and meeting new people,” said ...

  3. Shelby County 4-H Brings Manufacturing Concepts to School

    industry in their county. This is an in-school initiative, led by Cassie Dietrich, Shelby County 4-H ...

  4. Faces of Ohio

    after graduating from high school. She said “As a student at the Ohio State University, I was a member ...

  5. Faces of Ohio 4-H

    school students who came to speak to his class about 4-H. After starting with his first goat, Freckles, ...

  6. OSU Extension and Ansonia Local Schools to host drive-thru food distribution

    Reserves, will host a “drive-thru” food distribution at Ansonia Local Schools, May 20th. The Ohio Army ...

  7. Southern Ohio 4-H educators host virtual project clinic

    In Scioto County, 4-H member Haven Hileman drove to her school parking lot and parked in just the ...

  8. Calendar of Events

    Middle School Girls and Everyone (Online) – In 4-H, we believe in the power of young people. Through ...

  9. Ohio Youth Capital Challenge

    grade and between the ages of 14 and 18 during the 2019-2020 school year, and have never participated in ...

  10. HealthU

    This event is for middle school-age (grades 6-8) 4-H members interested in healthy living. The day ...
