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  1. Ohio State Environmental & Sustainability Career Expo

    Franklin Park Conservatory John Glenn School of Public Affairs- Ohio State University Licking Park District ...

  2. The Ohio Youth Institute

    high school students have the opportunity to: Present research and recommendations on how to solve key ...

  3. FABE Researchers Receive $5 Million Grant to Study Runoff from Elevated Phosphorus Fields

    Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering; Robyn Wilson of the School of Environment and ...

  4. Congratulations to the Quarter Scale Tractor team!

    rigorous school load with the demands of an in-depth design project. To learn more about the team, their ...

  5. SENR Career Expo- College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

    The School of Environmental and Natural Resources will be holding a career fair in the ...

  6. Ohio State Ranks Near Top on Peace Corps' 2014 Top Schools List

    vector-borne diseases worldwide. The entire top 25 rankings for each school size category can be viewed at ...  Two other Ohio colleges earned recognition in the small-school category. Case Western Reserve ...

  7. 4th Annual Undergraduate Research Forum for Engineering and Architecture Students

    Where: Knowlton School of Architecture Go to  and upload your abstract.  ...

  8. Ferdous-e-Elahi: Enhancing Food Security in Bangladesh

    Bangladesh. Last year I had another opportunity to give a talk to high school girls at Wiser Science Camp at ... of Agriculture Day 2015 on the OARDC campus. We demonstrated to the participating high school ...

  9. New iAGRI Student, Joyce Mwakatoga, relishes in the first few weeks at The Ohio State University

    is highly recommended to pregnant women because it highly rich in iron. We learned about it in school ...

  10. Former Ambassador and Hunger Fighter, Tony Hall, Visits Ohio State to Highlight Food Security

    annual, one-day event focused on engaging high school students from around Ohio in a conversation about ... middle income countries, the 85 high school students who participated in the March 17th event heard from ...
