
Search results

  1. Connecting a Columbus mother with a helping hand

    staying in the house also meant staying close to both her son’s school and her new job at the nursing ...

  2. Coralie Farinas

    2011- Educational actions in a primary school and leader in a center animation. French Association for ...

  3. Farmers could profit from selling products to schools; Learn how at Farm Science Review

    A growing interest in locally raised and produced foods, along with new school meal requirements, ...

  4. December Newsletter

    called “Project Green Teacher,” designed to train educators to become school garden mentors in their ... school district. Through a generous grant from the Ohio 4-H Foundation, these individuals were sent to ... Columbus City, Bexley, Reynoldsburg, and Groveport-Madison School Districts. On November 13 th, the fourth ...

  5. 2015 Urban Agriculture & Community Garden Summit

    training, community garden networking, and school garden projects growing microgreens. A panelist from ...

  6. Columbus Urban Farm Tour: Clarfield Farm

    three high tunnel structures. The farm operates on three acres of land at a vacant elementary school ...

  7. Dining With Diabetes Spring Workshop

    (DWD) is an interactive cooking school that will give you motivation and resources to meet the ...

  8. Dining With Diabetes Spring Workshop

    (DWD) is an interactive cooking school that will give you motivation and resources to meet the ...

  9. Dining With Diabetes Spring Workshop

    (DWD) is an interactive cooking school that will give you motivation and resources to meet the ...

  10. Dining With Diabetes Spring Workshop

    (DWD) is an interactive cooking school that will give you motivation and resources to meet the ...
