
Search results

  1. 4-H royalty at Ohio State

    a career in Extension education and continue on to graduate school. When she isn’t focused on work or ... Collegiate 4-H Club. Court members are responsible for helping with several back-to-school events. In the ...

  2. Building future leaders

    networks and learn leadership skills that will carry them through high school and into college or into the ... took on even more importance as many were managing school, the pandemic and other things going on in ... able to take back to McComb High School in Northwest Ohio. “Being a senior, you have to show leadership ...

  3. 2021 Outreach and Engagement Grant Recipients Announced

    Ohio Farm to School Network (which is facilitated by OSU Extension). Learn more about all of the funded ...

  4. Clarification about Current OSU Extension Office Staffing and Program Procedures

    health guidelines (i.e. mask requirements, physical distancing, school/business closures, or remote work ...

  5. Extension Wildlife Specialist Marne Titchenell Featured in National Media

    School of Environment and Natural Resources, CFAES; and you can read her bio online. ...

  6. Back to School Resources for Families

    School Resources for families. Please share with those in your communities or networks that may find this ...

  7. Thoughts from the Director

    additional planning on the parts of many (e.g., schools, campuses) for return to classes and programming. We ... the majority of us through the end of the year.   As school districts and campuses are trying to figure out how ...

  8. History of 4-H

    Albert Belmont Graham, the superintendent of the Springfield Township Schools at that time, organized ... previously mentioned areas. Given the success of Graham's "out-of-school education program," ...

  9. Everyone Will Be Counted in the 2020 Census

    information will be used to: direct federal funds to local communities for schools, roads, and other public ...

  10. Award Winners for Community Development Educational Programs

    Technology Award for her work with the Scholastic High School Drone Racing League Program. Brooke and Meghan ...
