
Search results

  1. 4-H Project Green Teacher goes hybrid in 2022

    Sherrie R. Whaley COLUMBUS—4-H Project Green Teacher, a school gardening series for educators, ... Master Gardener Volunteers, and others interested in school gardening, will return to The Ohio State ... while also providing an opportunity to network with others who are interested in school gardening. ...

  2. CFAES creates farm management institute to address changing demands of farmers; names David Marrison as interim director

    tap into departments within CFAES; schools and colleges within the university such as the Moritz ...

  3. New on YouTube: How to have water for everyone in Ohio

    Professionals Network. Written and directed by Ramiro Berardo, an associate professor in the CFAES School of ...

  4. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    of Education  website Steps to take before you graduate, leave school, or enroll less ...

  5. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    of Education  website Steps to take before you graduate, leave school, or enroll less ...

  6. News tips and events for the week of Feb. 3

    or 23 Foodpreneur School Day 1, 2–6 p.m., Ross County Service Center, 475 ... 30 Foodpreneur School Day 2, 2–6 p.m., Ross County Service Center, 475 Western Ave., Chillicothe, ... Western Ave., Chillicothe, Ohio. A two-day school hosted by the CFAES Center for Cooperatives, OSU ...

  7. Reliance on moose as prey led to rare coyote attack on human

    bitten, it’s pretty minor,” said Gehrt, a professor in Ohio State’s  School of Environment and Natural ...

  8. 4-H Project Green Teacher

    would like to learn how to garden with children in school, afterschool and other settings. Some of the ... management, engaging stakeholders, hydroponics and aquaponics, the farm to school program and more. WHEN: June ...

  9. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    of Education  website Steps to take before you graduate, leave school, or enroll less ...

  10. Morrow County Agriculture Businesses

    for high school students to develop the skills and knowledge needed for the challenges facing ...
