
Search results

  1. USDA Summertime Food Service Program

    access to meals when schools are closed. Most often this occurs during summer vacation. However, during ... school closures related to the pandemic, meals are also being made available. You have the opportunity to ... supplement the food you have at home with meals and snacks for your children from local schools and community ...

  2. 4-H in the Classroom

    What do 4-H School Programs Look Like? For young people...4-H provides opportunities to ... skill with young people. 4-H works with urban, suburban and rural schools to identify their areas of ... works with students in many different schools across Hamilton County, both during the school day and in ...

  3. Skin Scanning & Sun Safety

    Educational Programs A tailored program for your business, school, or organization can be provided. This could ... include (but are not limited to): ˃ Pre-school ˃ Elementary school ˃ Junior high school ˃ High School ...

  4. Real Money, Real World

    creative community efforts of Extension educators, local school teachers, and community volunteers. Real ... partnerships of the county OSU Extension office, the school, and the business community. RMRW has three parts: ... Doing well in school. Getting more education or training after high school. Waiting until financially ...

  5. Master Gardener Volunteer Project Sites

    Conference Cincinnati Children's Hospital- College Hill Greenhouse Rothenberg Rooftop School Garden ... Arboretum Red Cross Building Heritage Village Museum at Sharonwoods Granny's Garden School Ault Park ...

  6. Support us and our community service!

    assist in community gardens and school gardens. We teach youth and adults about starting gardens, growing ...

  7. Congratulations to Student Award Winners!

    Newcomb Scholars Recipients This award recognizes students with the highest GPA in their school or ...

  8. Intramural Sports

    OR Click on the  OSU ATI  link at the top to go to your school's homepage on IMLeagues. 3. The ...

  9. Support Us

    a century. Through community clubs, camps, in-school and after-school activities, and summer programs, 4-H ...

  10. EFNEP

    classrooms, after-school programs/camps, and summer feeding sites. and in the six U.S. territories. In Ohio, ...
