
Search results

  1. Clothing for Middle School

    Clothing for Middle School In this intermediate level project for youth in grades 5 to 8 or 9, you ... featuring the garments made to wear to school. Check and improve personal grooming habits and posture. ... Strive for a Total Look each school day, and do needed repairs. Do at least two leadership/citizenship ...

  2. Clothes for High School and College

    Clothes for High School and College This project is an advanced-level project designed for members ... in high school with some clothing experience. Construct an outfit with a minimum of two pieces, or ... leadership/citizenship activities. ©1993. 1718067140 ...

  3. ChickQuest: A Classroom Journey Through a Life Cycle (Teacher Guide)

    a chick? This school enrichment program challenges youth to use science, technology, engineering, and math ...

  4. Continuing Education for OCVN's

    Ohio) by Andrew Hoffman, Post Doctoral Researcher School of Environment and Natural Resources, OSU  Bird ...

  5. Midwest Home Fruit Production Guide

    Extension professionals, and school teachers. ...

  6. Who is the New Guy?

    school, I went to South Dakota State University (Go Jacks!) where I studied dairy production and ag ...

  7. 4-H Fundamentals – Fall Focus

    professionals. What topics will be discussed? School / STEM / Innovative Programming Diversifying Your 4-H ...

  8. Our Faculty and Staff in the News

    the Department of Army in Fort Knox, KY and for the School of Forest Resources at the University of ...

  9. Home

    the course but not volunteer.  The OCVN Program Director is located in The School of Environment and ...

  10. Ag in the Classroom

    70+ Columbus City Schools practice some form of gardening?! If kids grow it, they are more likely to ... school garden. GET THE FACTS! When it comes to kids and vegetables, hands-on gardening in the classroom ... school gardens as a context for learning has been well-researched. When students share experiences ...
