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  1. 2016 News Articles

    Enough Hay for the Winter?, Weed School in Wilmington November 21, 2016 Calendar Starting to Take Shape ... Farm College and Conference, Farm and Family Night, 2016 Beef School, GAP Training for Tobacco ... January 4, 2016 Beef 509 Course in February, Maple Syrup Meeting, 2016 Beef School, Pesticide and ...

  2. Beef Cattle Marketing Expectations

    Participants in the February 8 Wayne County Extension Beef School session heard Bill Tom, ...

  3. Local Foods Week

    a food that grows underground? How about one that grows on trees? Does your school have a garden?  How ...

  4. Out-of-County QA Opportunities

    Schools or at the OVCTC. Youth who have previously tested out of QA and who have not changed age divisions ... their school for testing details. QA and Skillathon Schedule: Wednesday, May 6 at ...

  5. Healthier Lifestyles

    activity together is important. *Build new skills by taking advantage of free classes offered at school or ...

  6. Kids Cooking School


  7. Kids Cooking School


  8. Wayne County Fair Exhibitors Update

    watching Facebook or website for more details High school band performances for Monday – cancelled due to ...

  9. Try It, You’ll Like It!

    evening or maybe what happened at school if there are older children.  There is great value in eating ...

  10. Stages Of Grief

    school, an ER nurse who thrived on the complicated cases, raised three boys and filled the role as ...
