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  1. Back to School Budgets

    we’ve all seen the school clothes and supplies drawing us closer to fall.  Because these items can ... remain in budget.-- Realize that you don’t need to buy clothing for the entire school year in one fell ... swoop. Now is a good time because of back-to-school sales, but there will be other sales soon in the ...

  2. Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

    underrepresented minorities in the STEM fields for both college and high school students promote student and ...

  3. Sheep And Goat Webinar Series

    The 2015 Ohio Sheep and Goat School will be offered as a webinar series throughout the state.   ... Wayne County will once again be a host site for the school with additional sponsorship from the Ohio ... theme of this year’s school is “Tips for Productivity Improvement”.   Presenters and topics include: ...

  4. Beef Quality Assurance Certification + Beef School Webinar

    for the program.   Beef School Webinar A recorded beef school webinar, organized by the OSU Extension ...

  5. Conservation Tillage Club Conference

    in concurrent sessions with session titles such as: Corn University, Soybean School, Cover Crops, ...

  6. Ohio Sheep Shearing School

    Shearing School on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 18-19, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Dave Cable Farm, 10491 Canal ... of the school. If you decide to register after that date, or if you have further questions, contact ... Shearing School, c/o Roger A. High, 280 N. High St. P.O. Box 182383, Columbus, OH 43218.  A flyer and ...

  7. Budgeting for Back to School

    heading back to school.   As I listen to conversations in the store, about school supply lists might ... amount, otherwise the interest quickly adds up. If you’d like to use a back to school calculator here’s ... Are there garage sales or trading with other families to make “new” outfits to get the school year ...

  8. Budgeting for Back to School

    heading back to school.   As I listen to conversations in the store, about school supply lists might ... amount, otherwise the interest quickly adds up. If you’d like to use a back to school calculator here’s ... Are there garage sales or trading with other families to make “new” outfits to get the school year ...

  9. 2018 Farm Financial Management School

    A 6-evening farm financial management school (FFMS) is scheduled for Monday evenings in January ... statements. The school will use presentations, class discussion, group work, case farm examples and hands-on ... and work more effectively with Ag lenders.  Topics that will be covered over the 6-week school ...

  10. Dairy Service Unit Scholarships and Outstanding Youth Award

    post-high school education in the field of agriculture, with a special interest in the dairy industry. ... Ashland County at the time of application, have graduated from an accredited high school program or be in ...
