
Search results

  1. Job Postings- New Positions Added Weekly!

    school and need help with morning and evening chores.  Will work with school schedules.  We milk 200 ...

  2. Ohio State/ATI STEP

    from high school in 2019 and are continuing on to the Columbus campus to complete their Bachelors ...

  3. APIDA Student Welcome! (Virtual)

    school year at our virtual APIDA Student Welcome by building a network of connections and getting ...

  4. ATI student selected as AmericanHort HortScholar

    wasn’t until after I graduated high school and started a summer job at a local greenhouse that I found my ... library. I soon decided my major and switched schools. I am now graduating from The Ohio State University ...

  5. News from Academic Affairs

    internships, jobs, and/or grad school info for careers connected to the environment, natural resources, green ...

  6. Agronomy Programs

    College and Soybean School Best management practices and important updates for the 2021 growing season. ... Michel, and Kelley Tilmon.  February 11, 9:00am-12:00pm (Corn College) and 1:00-4:00pm (Soybean School ...

  7. Internships

    positions! Depending on positions, internships are open to high-school grads or those pursuing a degree at an ...

  8. Financial Aid & Scholarships

    complete and submit for next school year.  In addition, take the time to complete the Ohio State ATI/CFAES ...

  9. Internships- Updated Opportunities!

    positions! Depending on positions, internships are open to high-school grads or those pursuing a degree at an ...

  10. Job Postings- New Positions Added Weekly!

    school and need help with morning and evening chores.  Will work with school schedules.  We milk 200 ...
