
Search results

  1. Graduate student awarded Wildland Fire Scholarship

    tools for land managers here.    Jo is co-advised by School of Environment and Natural Resources faculty ...

  2. Alumni Career Spotlight: Cecil Okotah

    employers, and offer tips on standing out during the job search process. Gaining experience while in school ... completing my undergraduate degree in 2017 to prepare for grad school. I then earned my master's degree ... in 2020 from Miami University and started working. After grad school, I started out as the program ...

  3. Graduate Student Named Prestigious Knauss Fellowship Finalist

    School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) graduate student Elizabeth Berg has been named ...

  4. Alumni Career Spotlight: Garrett Caudill

    while I was in school. I worked as a Maple Research Assistant for Dr. Gabe Karns at OSU Mansfield. ... a work/school balance. Immediately following this internship, I held another position with Dr. Karns at OSU ... well. The Division was great at allowing us to focus on school first and work whenever we were able to ...

  5. Regional Campus Student

    regional campuses, you are able to declare a major in the School of Environment and Natural Resources ... opportunity to apply for scholarships from the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) and The ...

  6. FAQs

      Future Students How do I become a student in The School of Environment and Natural Resources ... Studies Committee made up of faculty representing the seven areas of specialization in the School of ... "interdisciplinary" graduate program not housed in a particular department or school and is administered by the ...

  7. Funding awarded to study trust in food, energy, and water consumption feedback

    Congratulations to Ian Adams, a first year M.S. student in the School of Environment and Natural ...

  8. SENR Seminar Series- Degrowth and the role of capitalism to address the climate crisis, Point-Counterpoint

    Rural-Urban Policy, School of Environment and Natural Resources, and Brent Sohngen, PhD, CFAES Distinguished ...

  9. Graduate Student Wins Future Leader in Science Award

    March 4, 2019 in Washington, D.C. Tania is a fourth year Ph.D. candidate in the School of Environment ...

  10. International Initiative Enables Student Research on Global Ecosystems

    a four-month research abroad project in Norway. Gutierrez studies forest ecology within the School of ...
