
Search results

  1. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    of Education  website Steps to take before you graduate, leave school, or enroll less ...

  2. Local Food Systems- Idea Starter

    students in grade school thru high school. By stimulating their interest at an early age, we can encourage ...

  3. Online Fruit Pruning School

    Come join us for a two-part, online workshop to learn proper pruning techniques to improve production and quality in your fruit tree and small fruit plantings. You will be online with Ohio State University South Centers experts, who will give live present ...

  4. Seminar presentation by Dr. Wendong Zhang, Cornell University

    Wendong Zhang, Assistant Professor and Extension Economist, Cornell University Dyson School of ...

  5. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    of Education  website Steps to take before you graduate, leave school, or enroll less ...

  6. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    of Education  website Steps to take before you graduate, leave school, or enroll less ...

  7. Jackson-Smith appointed to the Kellogg Endowed Chair in Agricultural Ecosystems Management at Ohio State

    the School of Environment and Natural Resources in 2016. He was named interim director of the AMP in ...

  8. News tips and events for the week of Feb. 17

    or 23 Foodpreneur School Day 1,  2–6 p.m., Ross County Service Center, 475 ... 30 Foodpreneur School Day 2,  2–6 p.m., Ross County Service Center, 475 Western Ave., Chillicothe, ... Western Ave., Chillicothe, Ohio. A two-day school hosted by the CFAES Center for Cooperatives, OSU ...

  9. School Garden Conference: Cultivating Common Ground

    Come explore the sense of community that a school garden creates, while also cultivating the ... more. As an exciting first step to expanding School Gardens of Ohio statewide, we will also be setting up ...

  10. “A Private Bargaining and Efficient Breach Approach to the Problem of U.S.-China Trade: Bringing a Non-Violation Case in the WTO”

    With Daniel Chow,  Public Law and Legal Theory Working Paper No.720, Moritz School of Law, Ohio ...
