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  1. 2014 Livestock Judging Season Ends with OSU’s Best Performance in 17 Years

    a freshman in high school and have thoroughly enjoyed my experience at OSU. I feel like we made substantial ...

  2. Ohio State, Maryland team up for new sustainability knowledge assessment

    Sustainability Education. For more information, contact Adam Zwickle,  doctoral candidate, School of Environment ...

  3. 2015 Ohio Department of Agriculture Livestock Quality Assurance and Skillathon Requirements

    (five total). IMPORTANT NOTES FOR SKILLATHON 2015!!! • School appropriate attire is REQUIRED for Q/A and ...

  4. Four with Wooster campus connections honored by CFAES

    of the Office of Professional Learning for Manatee County Schools in Bradenton, Florida. ...

  5. OSU Student Construction Management Team Takes Overall First Place at 2013 ABC National Competition

    schools from around the country and required student teams to act as a Construction Manager/General ...

  6. Kinder selected as AAAS Fellow

    director of the university’s School of Physical Activity and Education Services. He was appointed Ohio ...

  7. Pre-convocation

    Enjoy some breakfast, receive important information about your college, and mingle with your new classmates! Attend the CFAES Pre-convoction event, located at the 4-H Center on Campus.  ...

  8. Water Quality, Watersheds, and Streams and Lakes Links

    Watercraft   (links to info for 14 scenic rivers and 4 coordinators; stream monitoring) OSU School of ...

  9. Farm Science Review: 'Forecasting the future for 50 years'

    animal/human disease transmission Farmers could profit from selling products to schools; learn how at Farm ...

  10. Ohio Commercial Berry Production School is March 14

      PIKETON, Ohio – Berry growers looking for ways to diversify their farming operations can learn the practical and essential skills needed to be successful in the blueberry, blackberry, raspberry and strawberry industries at a workshop held by Ohio State ...
