
Search results

  1. How to join 4-H!

    regardless of grade in school.  Youth who are age 5 and in Kindergarten through second grade as of January ... Where do I sign up? Join a club near your home or school.  Experience 4-H with a friend, invite them to ...

  2. Fertility Management of Meadows

    Animals, and We Benefit.” Ohio Grazing School Handout. Folliett, R. F. and Wilkinson, S. R. (1985). “Soil ...

  3. Lesson 2

    the "Respect Song"   4. Identify ways that respect can be shown at school. Lead conversation about ways ... that respect can be shown in the classroom, at lunch, during recess, on the bus and at other school ... actions or words in the classroom, at lunch, during recess, on the bus and at other school activities. ...

  4. Lessons

    Song"   4. Identify ways that respect can be shown at school. Lead conversation about ways that respect ... can be shown in the classroom, at lunch, during recess, on the bus and at other school activities ... words in the classroom, at lunch, during recess, on the bus and at other school activities. Flipchart ...

  5. Introduction

    school and life by promoting social, emotional, and behavioral skills as an essential part of early ...

  6. Family Communication

    ‘key concepts' that will help them to be successful in school. We call these our 'Keys to Success." The keys ...

  7. Food Safety and Garden Flooding

    Pub#3360. School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. University of ...

  8. Ali Segna

    Ali Segna Program Coordinator Farm to School Early Childhood Nutrition Project ...

  9. Relative Effectiveness of Herbicides Commonly Used to Control Woody Vegetation in Forest Stands

    Specialist Emeritus, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Ohio State University Extension Dave Krause ...

  10. Ingrid Richards Adams

    Environmental Sciences; School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Medical Dietetics, College of Medicine ...
