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  1. Camp

    club, county, community, or school. Making eXtreme Counselors (MXC): MXC is an interactive and ...

  2. Faces of Ohio 4-H

    a try, Joe took hogs to the fair for his final three years of high school. Joe said, “I transitioned from ...

  3. 2018 Excellence in 4-H Award Winner

    441 in 4-H Camping Programs and 834 in School Enrichment Programs. This total of 3700 is one of the ...

  4. Check out these Amazing 4-H Alumni

    school board and on the board for the Estonian National Endowment for the Arts.   Cheryl Hagemeyer-Vetter ...

  5. Tenth Anniversary 4-H Legacy Awards

    started due to one school assembly and one decision to join Ohio 4-H! These choices have changed my life ...

  6. Special Flag Flown at Ohio Military Kids Camp

    Force after high school. He stated that without some of the things he learned from camp programs, he ...

  7. Faces of Ohio 4-H

    for 4-H. Katie is basketball icon. While attending Logan High School, Katie was awarded the National ...

  8. Faces of Ohio 4-H

    school youth, and their parents learned along with them.  I think parents will learn as they help their ...

  9. Science Saturday- Healthy Soils CSI Challenge

    Join us for the final SciSat of the school year and learn why soil is more than just dirt! Dr. Bob ...

  10. 2018 Ohio Pullorum Testing School

    Pullorum School Requirements The Ohio Poultry Association (official state agency, NPIP) and the ...
