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  1. Marketing School Aimed At Helping Farmers Budget Time, Money Practices

    Marketer School that will be taking place beginning February 1 st at the Buckeye Ag Museum.  My inspiration ... Professional Marketer Program is a 5-session marketing school that will be held one day each week during the ...

  2. Drain Flies (Moth Flies)

    basement. Restaurants, schools and other public buildings may be avoided when drain flies are a nuisance. ...

  3. Port Authorities as an Economic Development Tool for Local Government

    school bond issue. As a “pass-through vehicle,” based on the credit of the entity for which the bonds are ...

  4. Horse Manure Management

    University School of Environment and Natural Resources; Dr. Karen Mancl, The Ohio State University Department ...

  5. Wind Energy Development as an Economic Development Strategy for Rural Areas

    per year to taxing bodies with approximately 70% distributed to school districts and 30% distributed ...

  6. Fathering Your Adolescent: Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship

    a time to do it together. This can take the whole day or just ten minutes after school. If your ...

  7. Make an Immediate Impact

    Additional options to consider include the following funds that support our students: School of Environment ... determined by the school's director or his/her designee and when appropriate. ATI Student Emergency Aid ... reopening companies, schools, and local attractions; handling business regression and loss; and assisting ...

  8. Renewable Energy Policy Series: The Effect of Renewable Energy Projects on Current Agricultural Use Value

    schools, and greenhouse gas emission reporting requirements (Romich, 2010). The focus of this fact sheet is ...

  9. Summary of Hydraulic Fracturing in Ohio

    consider social impacts such as the stress on local school systems, health care systems, housing, and ...

  10. Snowplows in Amish Country: A Guide for Buggy Drivers, Pedestrians, and Snowplow Operators

    during times of high-pedestrian travel (e.g., during school hours). • Plow operators should slow down ...
