
Search results

  1. Researcher Focuses on Developing Foods with a Boost for Health

    get these pretzels to high school students as an alternative snack to what they're eating ...

  2. Building a Resume

    and in school. Employers match your résumé against their job openings to evaluate if you’d be a good ...

  3. Four with Wooster campus connections honored by CFAES

    of the Office of Professional Learning for Manatee County Schools in Bradenton, Florida. ...

  4. Kinder selected as AAAS Fellow

    director of the university’s School of Physical Activity and Education Services. He was appointed Ohio ...

  5. Teaching and Learning

    target Ohio’s underrepresented, non-college-access populations to keep them in school through graduation; ... when our youth graduate from high school, they are better equipped to contribute to the economies of ...

  6. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1980-1985

    and is very active in community activities which includes 4-H, FFA, Boy Scouts, local school board, ... state school board, Seneca County Library Board, and the State Library Board.       1985 Norman Alger* ...

  7. Ohio Commercial Berry Production School is March 14

      PIKETON, Ohio – Berry growers looking for ways to diversify their farming operations can learn the practical and essential skills needed to be successful in the blueberry, blackberry, raspberry and strawberry industries at a workshop held by Ohio State ...

  8. Hull and Weaver Inducted into Dairy Science Hall of Service 2015

    which is used in many veterinary schools. He has trained many veterinary students at Ohio State and ...

  9. Proposal Development Resources

    around the world) The Discovery Tool: Glenn School of Public Affairs  Battelle Center for Science and ...

  10. Masters' Program Opportunity

    OSU is looking for motivated, self-driven and productive student to start Masters' of Science program in the 2018 Autumn semester. The position is fully-funder (tuition covered plus stipend) and is focused on economic modeling of dairy farms. The gra ...
