
Search results

  1. Consumer Debt Relief in the United States and Canada

    Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, School of Administrative Studies, York University In July, the ...

  2. Involving Volunteers in a Community-Led Business Retention and Expansion Program

    or Girls State participants or high school guidance counselor recommendations. Consider a partnership ...

  3. Port Authorities as an Economic Development Tool for Local Government

    school bond issue. As a “pass-through vehicle,” based on the credit of the entity for which the bonds are ...

  4. Basic Estate Planning: Miscellaneous Issues

    the $13,000 annual exclusion for gift tax purposes or that are made directly to a qualifying school or ...

  5. Lesson 2

    the "Respect Song"   4. Identify ways that respect can be shown at school. Lead conversation about ways ... that respect can be shown in the classroom, at lunch, during recess, on the bus and at other school ... actions or words in the classroom, at lunch, during recess, on the bus and at other school activities. ...

  6. All Things Sweet: Sugar and Other Sweeteners

    Alcohols Fact Sheet. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. (2016). Artificial sweeteners. The ...

  7. Corn Hybrid Reactions to Gray Leaf Spot In Ohio, 1995-1996

    Allen Geyer, Research Assistant, Horticulture & Crop Science Ray Griffith, FFA/Riverview High School ...

  8. Forest Products Terminology

    or contact the Forest Operations & Products Extension program in the School of Environment and ...

  9. Equestrian Injury Statistics

    athletes have given up their high school sports. For example, the oldest U.S. Olympian that competed in the ...

  10. How to join 4-H!

    regardless of grade in school.  Youth who are age 5 and in Kindergarten through second grade as of January ... Where do I sign up? Join a club near your home or school.  Experience 4-H with a friend, invite them to ...
