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Southwest Ohio Beekeepers School
Registration opens January 15, 2019 at ...
Alumni in the news
superintendent tours BG High School, talks EdChoice Kyle Daugherty AAPPSCI Dairy Cattle Production & ...
Where are they now? Alumni Awards edition
university right now. I love still being active and tied into my school, and no matter where my other degrees ...
Calendar of events
and Inclusion Conference- Lewis Center, Ohio- Saturday, February 8th Olentangy Local School District ...
Sweet, Sour & Savory. Tomato Tasting.
Volunteer. Proceeds from ticket sales are used for community and school education, scholarships, and other ...
Welcome to Our New Director of Alumni Engagement and Annual Giving
an alumnus of the School of Environment and Natural Resources. Also, she enjoys running. Reach Amy ...
Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
underrepresented minorities in the STEM fields for both college and high school students promote student and ...
Sesquicentennial Scholars making waves
being a resource for my high school agriculture teacher. For a lot of students where I come from, it ... Courtney Krieger- Agribusiness I am proud to be attending one of the top agricultural schools in the ... to make a smooth transition from high school and life on the farm to the Agricultural Technical ...
Study Abroad Memories
school. This combination of experience led me to a career in turfgrass, and my internship opened up huge doors ... participating in the school activities with my students such as Sports Day, the School Bazaar, Chorus Festival, ... and more. I highly recommend anyone go abroad whether it’s for school or work. I’m hoping to work ...
Health U
The Ohio 4-H Health Heroes will be offering a hands-on day event for middle school-age (grades ...