
Search results

  1. STEM Camp

    Engineering, and Math. But, this camp won't feel the least bit like school. Campers will select a STEM ...

  2. Small fruit progress

    Conference, Beech Creek Garden Symposium, Southwest Ohio Specialty Fruit and Vegetable School, Master Gardener ... volunteer training schools, and Farm Science Review in 2016. He also made several presentations in ...

  3. Bazinga! STEM Camp

    least bit like school. Participants will select two STEM areas to explore in-depth. Choices include ...

  4. Youth Board

    facing Ohio Valley Bank.  If these times interfere with school related functions, please let us know so ...

  5. Emile Gluck Thaler

    Presidential Fellow, Graduate School, Ohio State, 2018-2019 1st place, Graduate Student Poster, Mycological ...

  6. APS Plant Health 2019

    Graduate School. Now What? Charis Ramsing, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH and  Lydia Tymon, Washington ...

  7. Godwill Mih Chewachong

    Teaching, English High School Yaounde, Cameroon, 2005- 2007 Teaching and Biology Department Head, Government ... Bilingual Practicing High School Santchou, West Region, Cameroon, 2004- 2005 Teaching and Biology Department ... Head, Government High School Njikwa, North West Region, Cameroon, 2002- 2004 Honors and Awards U.S. ...

  8. Kids Cooking School


  9. Kids Cooking School


  10. McSpadden Gardener Lab- Alumni

    year.  He plans to attend Medical School upon graduation. His current project is to test potential ... biocontrol analysis. Elizabeth Floom graduated from high school in 2008 and is currently attending Stark ... Ohio State University Medical School in the fall of 2010. Jefferson Amstutz is a 2008 graduate of ...
