
Search results

  1. Carlos Saint Preux

    Pana-American Agricultural School, Zamorano, Honduras ...

  2. Women's Welcome Week Event (Virtual)

    to welcome new and returning students to Ohio State! Start the school year the best way, by exploring the many ...

  3. The Intersectionality of Blackness and Queerness: A Panel Discussion

    the Cincinnati area at a charter high school, a pre-college program and at the university level. Most ... 2015, she moved back to Columbus and joined Bexley City Schools as the Director of Student & ... role, she oversees school climate initiatives and work that includes social/emotional development, ...

  4. Global Water Institute leads effort to improve water and food security with the Navajo Nation

    International  and the  Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment  to confront the critical water ...

  5. Faculty Positions

    excellent schools, and a strong economy based on government as well as service, transportation, and ... Agricultural, and Biological Engineering •Horticulture and Crop Science •Plant Pathology •School of Environment ...

  6. Ohio's Urban School Districts Outperforming Rural Ones

    Even with higher rates of poverty in Ohio’s major cities, urban school districts are outperforming ... rural districts, a recent study by The Ohio State University shows. Rural schools, particularly in ... Appalachia, tend to have lower average test scores than schools in urban areas, despite city districts having ...

  7. John Newton selected for CFAES Distinguished Alumni Award

    Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics; the Robert H. McKinney School of Law and Purdue University ...

  8. AEDE Graduates Students Win Graduate Paper Competitions

    and Schools” came in at number three out of twenty-four papers).  Schreiner will receive special ...

  9. Farming for Justice

      February 2019 Farm to People Panel: Farm to School, Affordable CSA’s, Farmer/Food Bank Tax Break   ...

  10. Pesticide and/or Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    can be purchased without a license cannot be applied on public property like schools, churches, parks, ...
