
Search results

  1. Two Ohio 4-H'ers Receive National Recognition

    D.C. recently. Andrea Blamble, an 18-year-old graduate of New Albany High School, received the ... a junior at Findlay High School this fall, was a Jefferson Award finalist and represented the Lima area at ...

  2. Study Examines Rural Low-Income Families in Light of Welfare Reform

    out of five who have a job with benefits have completed high school, while less than 20 percent of ... those who have not completed high school have a job with health insurance or sick leave. Fourteen ...

  3. Bat Disease Could Cost Ohio Farmers Up to $1.7B a Year

    Ohio bat populations in graduate school. “It’s logical to assume we’ll lose a significant amount of the ...

  4. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Deer Me: Where to Sleep? (for the Week of Jan. 5, 2009)

    the School of Environment and Natural Resources, specifically in the Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology ...

  5. Fight Back Against Emerald Ash Borer; Inventory Community Trees

    master gardener volunteers; Wendi Van Buren; and Davis Sydnor, professor with Ohio State's School of ...

  6. OARDC Researcher Awarded Honorary Doctorate

    Ghent. One of the awardees is Richard Epstein, a University of Chicago Law School professor famous for ...

  7. Chadwick Arboretum Celebrates Arbor Day

    school, and I was so influenced by him that I changed my major to horticulture," said Mary Maloney, ...

  8. Researchers Working to Improve Crop Production in India

    a professor with the School of Environment and Natural Resources. AKI is a public-private partnership program ...

  9. OSU Extension to Offer Tax Workshop

    Warren Lee, Ohio Income Tax Schools, at (614) 292-6308 or Candace Pollock Warren Lee ...

  10. Twitter Turns Idea into Fun Project for OSU Extension Educator

    University of Louisville Law School, commented that agriculture is 'applied environmental ...
