
Search results

  1. Interdisciplinary team to improve predictive wildland fire models with novel sensing

    Roger Williams, associate professor, forest ecosystem analysis management in the School of ...

  2. Introduction to Environmental Science Laboratory Receives Quality Matters Certification for Course Design Quality

    ENR 2101 – Introduction to Environmental Science Laboratory offered through the School of ... symbol of online and blended course design quality. This certification represents the School of ...

  3. Parenting & Relationships

    taught for schools as well- in school or after!  Check out these videos related to Parenting featuring ...

  4. Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity awarded to renowned soil scientist Rattan Lal

    researchers of the Lal Carbon Center for their dedication and hard work, and to the CFAES School of ...

  5. Now That Wheat Is Down, What's Next? Some Ideas For Fields

    aware of.  First, the Richland County Soil and Water office will be hosting a grazing school on July 23 ...

  6. SENR Announcements, July 15 No210 Kottman Hall ...

  7. Shumar elected president of Association of Field Ornithologists (AFO)

    closely with other members of the Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab  in the School of Environment and ... ornithologist, and former faculty member in the School of Environment and Natural Resources on influencing his ...

  8. Livestock Can't Take The Heat- Ways To Cool Them Down

    programs: Grazing school, Manure Field Day There are several summer programs I would like to make you aware ... of. First, the Richland County Soil and Water office will hold a grazing school July 23 and 25. If you ...

  9. NEW! Ignition 4-H Club for Youth Ages 9-12!

    during the school year, starting on August 28th. Each meeting will be from 6-7pm in our office located at ...

  10. Eve Kaufman

    Columbus, OH 43210 Eve Kaufman is an Academic Program Specialist for the School of Environment and Natural ...
