
Search results

  1. African American Behavioral Health Conference to be Held on April 6

    approaches to tackling these issues. Nicole King Cotton of the Morehouse School of Medicine will be our ...

  2. Team Receives Ohio State Presidential Postdoctoral Scholar Award

    Shoshanah Inwood, associate professor of community, food and economic development in the School of ...

  3. HCS Turf Students Orlando Success...

    4 from schools across the nation to compete during the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America ... in TURFgrass? Christian:  I started working on a golf course in high school and had a great boss who told me ... about going to school for turf. How has your experience as a turfgrass science major been? Christian:  ...

  4. New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Tyler Carr!

    interest in turf? My father was the high school baseball coach in White Hall, AR, a small town with only ... groundskeeper for the baseball field. To spend time with him after school, on weekends, or during the summer, ... the field than playing on it during my final high school years. What have been a few highlights of ...

  5. Join Project DREAMS to help Elevate Youth Leadership and Racial Equity on Feb. 21

    The mission of Project DREAMS is to create equitable schools through positive youth and community ... University, Delaware City Schools, Delaware African American Heritage Council, and other community partners ...

  6. Pamela Sherratt Receives the CFAES Distinguished Teaching by a Lecturer Award

    sports turf management class has supported Columbus City Schools over many years by carrying out ...

  7. Dr. Kristin L. Mercer

    sparked my interests further & led me to graduate school.   Exciting current research Better ...

  8. David Zelaya Receives 2023 TOP Fellowship

    undergraduate school in Honduras, I had the opportunity to do an internship with TOP at Tom Hamilton Farm, in ... want to continue in graduate school. So, I thank The Ohio Program for the TOP Fellowship. Could you ...

  9. Introducing the Controlled Environment Agriculture Minor!

    involved in CEA? Dr. Owen:  I became involved in CEA during high school when I enrolled in the Horticulture ...

  10. 2023 Dairy Hall of Service Recognition

    FFA groups and has provided many farm tours to school-age children, church groups, and Farm Bureau ...
