
Search results

  1. Back to School Resources for Families

    School Resources for families. Please share with those in your communities or networks that may find this ...

  2. Thoughts from the Director

    additional planning on the parts of many (e.g., schools, campuses) for return to classes and programming. We ... the majority of us through the end of the year.   As school districts and campuses are trying to figure out how ...

  3. Everyone Will Be Counted in the 2020 Census

    information will be used to: direct federal funds to local communities for schools, roads, and other public ...

  4. Ohio 4-H’s Your Thoughts Matter Virtual SPecial INterest (SPIN) Club

    Dakota State  Ethan Briggs, school services coordinator of Olentangy and Big Walnut Local Schools  Dr. ...

  5. Work-Life Balance: Parenting during COVID-19

    become more complex. Many schools across the country have adopted either a partially ...

  6. Award Winners for Community Development Educational Programs

    Technology Award for her work with the Scholastic High School Drone Racing League Program. Brooke and Meghan ...

  7. Thoughts from the Director

    trying to find work/life balance, who are trying to figure out schools and childcare, who are caring for ...

  8. Food and Meal Policy

    are collected. Examples include tax school, conferences, and seminars where departments host for ...

  9. Extension Refocus Challenge: Ends Tomorrow

    technology and social media and reconnecting with others old school (e.g., phone calls, writing letters and ...

  10. Thoughts from the Director

    forward to continuing to work with the Treasurer’s office to bring more schools and collaborators into the ...
