
Search results

  1. Pesticide and/or Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    can be purchased without a license cannot be applied on public property like schools, churches, parks, ...

  2. The Spatial Relationship between Agriculture and Wind Energy

    Joshua Fergen PhD Jeffrey Jacquet School of Environment and Natural Resources Wind energy ...

  3. 4H Online Resources

    This virtual 4-H club is designed for middle and high school girls and is inspired by Girls Who Code. ...

  4. 41st Annual OEFFA Conference 2020

    sessions with laura Lengnick and and Eric Holt-Giménez In-depth Thursday Food and Farm School courses  ...

  5. CD Wire- July 12, 2021

    and I am hearing about return to school sales! Although we can’t slow down time, I hope that you are ...

  6. Funding

    How Graduate Student Funding Works Figuring out how to pay for graduate school is an important ... part of the process when deciding to attend graduate school. Financial support for Ohio State graduate ... non-resident fees), a stipend, and subsidized health insurance. The Graduate School runs the competition for ...

  7. Virtual Beginner Beekeeping Training Offered

    Beekeeper School due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To help fill at least a small part of the void for new ...

  8. American Citizen Planner Program- Informational Webinar May 12

    Beyea, JD, AICP, Senior Specialist, Urban & Regional Planning, Michigan State University, School of ...

  9. CD Wire- March 15, 2021

    with youth and helping them learn. Although I started out as a middle and high school English teacher, ... information contact  PRE@OSU.EDU. Generation Rx Program Opportunity: The Ohio State University School of ... families with school-aged children, with a special focus on those with limited access to science education ...

  10. Testimonials

    to graduate school, the notes I took in my weekly SROP class helped me through what could have been ...
