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  1. Quality Assurance

    are also currently high school FFA members can receive their training through their FFA Instructors ...

  2. OSU Extension Offers Businesses Training, Advice on Renewable Energy Production

    Mauricio Espinoza MARION, Ohio-- A growing number of Ohio companies, schools, farms and other ...

  3. September Newsletter

    members of high school age served as the teen counselors. Funding for this partnership was made available ...

  4. Quality Assurance

    are also currently high school FFA members can receive their training through their FFA Instructors ...

  5. Ohio State Experts Offer Tips on Best Management Practices to Keep Phosphorus on the Field, Improve Water Quality

    in the college’s School of Environment and Natural Resources, who is conducting the On-Field Ohio ...

  6. Going to Waste: Ohio State Wooster Campus Gets 30% of Its Electricity from Refuse-generated Biogas

    department. "Most other schools run their own power-generation facilities, whether solar, wind, geothermal, biomass ...

  7. For Ohio State Scientist Fred Michel, Sustainability Is a Way of Life

    partnered with local schools and other organizations to install solar energy systems. Next, Michel said, the ...

  8. Researchers: Toledo Water Crisis Impacted Perceptions of Lake Erie Algae Causes

    study include Erik Nisbet from Ohio State’s School of Communications and Greg Howard from East Carolina ...

  9. November Newsletter

    1 st and 2 nd graders attending Linden STEM Pre-K-6 Academy in the Columbus City Schools district. ...

  10. Extension Volunteer Efforts Tally Thousands of Years of Service

    I would go to cosmetology school, but I had a real love for sewing and fixing things, and because of 4-H, ...
