
Search results

  1. CD Weekly Wire- March 17, 2014

    expand sales. "MarketReady, Selling to Schools" will be facilitated by Mike Hogan. Join in at: ...

  2. Communiqué February 18, 2015

    application deadline for the 2015-2016 school year is February 27. Click here to download the 2015-2016 ...

  3. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Environmental and Ag Applications Take Flight

    Join your colleagues in the environmental and natural resources community for netwroking, great speakers and presentations, and a warm breakfast on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Moderator and presenter is Dorata Grejner-Brzezinska. Chair. OSU Department ...

  4. Ohio's Water Resources at Risk- Ag-related Practices and Policies to Prevent Harmful Algal Blooms, post-Toledo

    Join your colleagues in the environmental and natural resources community for netwroking, great speakers and presentations, and a warm breakfast on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Moderator is Jeff Ruetter, Director, Ohio Sea Grant. You must register to a ...

  5. Challenges and Opportunities: Achieving Ohio's Clean Energy Potential

    Join your colleagues in the environmental and natural resources community for netwroking, great speakers and presentations, and a warm breakfast on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Moderator and presenter is Kate Bartter, Interim Director, OSU Office of En ...

  6. Communiqué March 13, 2013

    plant pathology Kathy Smith, program director, School of Environment and Natural Resources Scott Shearer ...

  7. Super-Berry School

    Hosted by Dr. Gary Gao Topics: assessment of winter injury of grape vines elderberry, aronia, goji production pruning demonstrations of grape, blueberry, blackberry, raspberry and elderberry field tour Speakers: Gary Gao, Dave Scurlock, Ryan Slaughter ...

  8. CD Wire- December 17, 2013

    resources for Extension Educators on climate change as provided by Anne Baird (, School of ...

  9. Communiqué January 21, 2015

    as a growing field of career opportunities. The application deadline for the 2015-2016 school year is ...

  10. CD Weekly Wire- November 4, 2013

    15 at 10:00 a.m. Farm to School + Extension Webinar Series- November 19 at 1:00 p.m. Moodle Meet-Up- ...
