
Search results

  1. 4-H Opioid Display Offers Prevention and Drug Education for Ohioans

    addiction.” Rubio is among a group of high school and college students who make up the Ohio 4-H Health Heroes. ...

  2. How Do Turkeys’ Muscles Grow? Ohio State Scientist Recognized for Discoveries

    from Boston University, and was an NIH postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania School of ...

  3. 69 Years and Counting: Longest-Serving Ohio 4-H Volunteer’s Experience Inspires Others

    Sunday school. I helped with that club during my last three years of 4-H, and they count that time toward ...

  4. Ohio State Economists Discuss Sustainable Development at Discovery Themes Lecture/COMPAS Conference

    Economy, Development, and Sustainability, which is a joint program from AEDE and the college’s School of ...

  5. Environmental Professional Network Field Trip

    by the registrant to EPN and the School of Environment and Natural Resources use and distribution ...

  6. Hunger Amid Plenty: Lack of Food More Widespread Than Many Realize

    formerly food stamps), the Women, Infants, and Children nutrition program, and reduced-price school meals ...

  7. Ohio Commercial Berry Production School March 4 to Offer Growers Options to Deal with Winter Injury in Small Fruit Plants

    viticulture experts from the college will host an Ohio Commercial Berry Production School March 4 that will ...

  8. Monthly Webinars to Help Growers and Producers Enhance Marketing, Improve and Expand Sales

    27-- MarketReady, Selling to Schools, also by Hogan. The webinar will be available to view at ...

  9. Media Advisory: Ohio State Experts Available to Talk About Walnut Twig Beetle, Thousand Cankers Disease

    Extension specialist in Ohio State’s School of Environment and Natural Resources. He has done research ...

  10. Chow Line: Healthy eating tips the easy way

    School suggests cutting back on carbohydrates, particularly from sugar-sweetened beverages such as soft ...
